Tips and tricks for using and applying technology to Architecture and Design.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lesson 9 Things You Should Know About AutoCAD

Lesson 3 Understanding the AutoCAD 2010 Interface

Lesson 2 Understanding the AutoCAD 2010 Interface

Lesson 1 What is AutoCAD

Monday, June 28, 2010

Free AutoCAD for students

Access over 25 free* downloads of the same design software used by professionals worldwide.

Now you can push the boundaries of design with Autodesk® software. Download the same, full version software that over 9 million designers, engineers and digital artists are using at 100 percent of Fortune 100 companies in over 183 countries around the world. Experience the newest editions of 2D and 3D products, such as Autodesk® Inventor®, Autodesk® Revit®, Autodesk® 3ds Max®, Autodesk® Maya®, and AutoCAD®.

Click here

Monday, June 14, 2010

Design Review

Design review is an Autodesk product that allows digital markups of AutoCad and Revit files.

Download from AutoDesk for free.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

File Naming system

To keep your project and project files organized a good file naming system in essential. Here is the system I have used for my office. I have revised and refined it specifically for architectural projects but I have applied it to the my graphic design work.

The system is based on having two types of drawing files on a project, Composite drawing files sometimes refereed to sheet files and Reference Drawing Files. It is also based on using Autodesk AutoCad software. I have used a variation of this system for AutoDesk Revit as well as Sketch-up.

Composite files are the files that are typically plotted or printed out. These are the files where the drawing sheet is composed. It will have the notes and dimensions as well as the graphic content of a drawing. The graphic content may be referenced from a reference file.

The reference files are where the graphic information is drawn. Typically notes and dimensions are not on these files.

The following is a guide to organize your file naming.

Composite drawing files – (.xxx=file extension)

aa = Project abbreviations derive from project title or client
Abbreviate names to three letter combinations.
(Record must be kept of what abbreviations mean.)
bb = Last 2 digits of project number
aabb = 4 digit project number
aa = last two digits of the year
bb = Last 2 digits of project number
c = Drawing group

A = architectural
C = Civil
E = Electrical
M = Mechanical
S = Structural
L = Landscape/Site
F = Furnishing
Q = Equipment
K=Kitchen Process

Reference drawing files -
aa & bb same as composite
cc = group

si = Site base
fp = floor plan base
elev=elevation base
sec=section base
gr = structural grid
cp = ceiling plan
ff = furniture
eq = equipment